Friday, March 11, 2011

Tamagrams on NSS Website and Preview of New Designs

It has been a while and I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the beginning of spring like weather here lately. I find myself captivated by the white blossoms on so many of the beautiful.

I wanted to share with you as I just got word that Tamagrams is featured on the National Stationary Show's homepage today! How exciting! The link is below if you want to check it is under the "Featured Products".

I met with a mentor the other week who helped me brainstorm about ideas for the theme of the booth that we will be exhibiting in. Now that there is a plan, I've been working on building it and then once everything is just as it needs to be, we are going to ship it to the show in NYC. I'm pumped! I love the concept and think it will compliment the style of Tamagrams so well. It is so wonderful to have people in your life (mentors) that truly take interest in seeing others succeed and have their best at heart. I am beyond blessed to have several of these people in mine. I'll post pics of the booth when we get it assembled at the show.

Also, I promised you from the last blog posting that I would share with you a preview of some of the brand new designs I have been working on for the show coming up in May. Someone once told me, "creativity is the closest thing to divinity, it comes from above". I firmly believe that. There are many times after a late night of being filled with inspiration and running with it, that the next morning I wake up and look at it all and honestly have no clue where it all came from. I am humbled to be able to share with you the latest of inspirations...

"Bouquet Birthday Balloons"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Preggo Girl Flower Garden Dress"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Peacock Flower Garden"
copyright Tamagrams 2011
"Rose Petal Baby Carriage"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Raindrops Umbrella"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Bride in Bloom" (Invitation version)
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Butterfly Tree"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Sweet Momma Pushing Carriage"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Patchwork Boy Stork"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Sweetheart Cupcake"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Butterfly Wedding Bouquet"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

The next two designs are previews of new lines of encouragement cards. I felt the need to design some fresh concepts that didn't include crosses and sunrises. (Nothing against those, just thought this would be a fresh take on encouragement...) All three lines are inspired by fruits of the spirit.

"Spirit Stamp - Peace"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Spirit Stamp Logo"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Fresh Off the Vine - Love"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Fresh Off the Vine Logo"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

"Handpicked - Peace"
copyright Tamagrams 2011"Handpicked Logo"
copyright Tamagrams 2011

Thanks so much for checking out some of my latest work. Wishing you all a happy Friday and wonderful spring filled weekend!