It's funny how inspiration comes in the most unusual of packages. Lately, I find myself being inspired by the simplicity of trying new things. I have never been a seamstress (can barely sew on a button) and never hailed myself for having a green thumb (never had a garden)...but for some odd reason that I am not completely aware of, I am having such a burning desire to learn! This almost 30 year old is excited to try and learn some new skills and also excited to be able to one day pass these skills onto my daughters as they get older. I am however thankful for enriches my life everyday and pumps energy through my veins. Since the NSS, like other exhibitors it has been busy with follow ups as well as designing brand new Birthday card designs to send off to a licensing company that our studio has been talking with. Crossing my fingers and said a blessing over the designs as I sealed the package and dropped them in the mail. :) Here is a little sampling of some of the newbie's...
"Ice Cream Hot Air Birthday Balloon"
Artwork & Writing Copyright 2011 Tamagrams / Tamara Brown. All Rights Reserved.
"Ice Cream Birthday Flower" Artwork & Writing Copyright 2011 Tamagrams / Tamara Brown. All Rights Reserved.
"Kite Birthday Gift " Artwork & Writing Copyright 2011 Tamagrams / Tamara Brown. All Rights Reserved.
"Birthday Girl In Bloom" Artwork & Writing Copyright 2011 Tamagrams / Tamara Brown. All Rights Reserved.
"Birthday Bloom Cake" Artwork & Writing Copyright 2011 Tamagrams / Tamara Brown. All Rights Reserved.
"Balloon Flower" Artwork & Writing Copyright 2011 Tamagrams / Tamara Brown. All Rights Reserved.
Thanks for taking a peek, until next time!
Many Blessings,