Monday, November 7, 2011

Challenging Yourself...

This year has been one of daring myself to try my hand at learning new things...

It's interesting how so often we can go through life never thinking to attempt to try something since we have never been around it before and just don't have much comfortably or knowledge about it. For me, I never grew up around anyone who sewed and didn't really cross paths along the way with anyone who had a gift of sewing to spur on my desire to learn. Maybe perhaps now that I am a mom of two young girls, the bug to stretch myself in new ways has become increasingly strong this past year. Kind of like a light bulb turning on for the challenge. Three weeks ago I decided it was time to hunker down and get a sewing machine so off to the store I went! However, when I got home I didn't even know the first thing about threading a machine and wasn't even aware of what a bobbin was, I will admit.  After having a friends husband (yes, her husband!) show me how to get the machine to be sew ready, I was off off and away and haven't stopped is weird to me. I have been trying to squeeze time in for sewing everyday and I think I may be having a little addition going on...My first attempt was at a little girl apron and that somehow turned out to be recognizable :)

I think I became brave too fast and decided my second sewing project would be making McKenna a fall peasant dress. I obviously have NO idea what I was getting myself into! Whewww...this thing took me 7 hours as I was teaching myself how to follow a pattern as well as the sewing side of things. I suppose the up side to being a little too ambitious in the beginning is it becomes a crash course and you end up learning SO much along the way...(in this case, also learning how to sew elastic for the waist and neck and working with bias tape). Needless to say, I was pretty elated when I was finally done as well as having a whole new appreciation for the manufacture of clothing! After tackling this bad boy, it makes sewing pillows and blankets seem like a cinch! 

So...on that note...what is it that you feel challenged by? Are you taking steps to learn whatever it may be? If not, what is stopping you? Go FOR is invigorating as you learn new skills as well as something deep down opens up new channels of creativity adding a new spice to life!

1 comment:

Jureda said...

Love the post! Very motivating and encouraging. The dress is precious. BRAVO!!!!!!!