Not to be a downer, but I thought I'd share with you something I've been walking through. We got pretty sudden news several weeks ago that my grandfather had only a couple hours to a couple days to live. My grandfather has been my father figure through out my life so it felt as if I was loosing a parent. He would have been 100 years old on December 8th. He has been married to my sweet grandmother for 72 years. Despite how old someone is, I don't think you can ever fully prepare yourself for the finality of knowing you will never see them again on this Earth. I am so very thankful for the one on one time I had with him the day before he died. He was in his room at home and I was able to hold his hand while talking and reminiscing over my memories with him. I sung him some of my favorite songs and got to pray over him. He already had one foot in heaven and was unresponsive but the hospice nurse told me he was definitely able to hear, as hearing is the last sense that goes. As I hugged good bye, I was reminded once again just how fleeting our lives are. Jesus said to not get too attached of the things of this world because our lives are vapors, fleeting and a bleep in the scheme of eternity. I am so thankful that I don't have to say good bye forever but know I will see him again when it is my turn to enter the gates. I can't help but rejoice for him in what he is experiencing now. Meeting our Savior face to face, being united with loved one that have entered before him and being in the most beautiful and breathtaking place. No sin. No pain. No brokenness that we experience here on Earth. Thanks for letting me share a tribute and my last hours with him. He was one special man who shaped me in more ways than he will ever know. He loved me and my family so well. I love and miss you Pop.
A picture of him when he was about 30 years old, so handsome...
This sobering reminder of the delicacy of life makes me want to be sure that I am living every SINGLE day to the fullest. Utilizing every gift and ability that God has so kindly entrusted to me. I want to share it with others in hopes that it can in some way bring encouragement and/or inspiration to others. It is a neat thought to think if we all were tapping into these sweet gifts we have received how each and every one of us DOES add more joy and beauty to this world. Join me as we can ask ourselves, "Am I living each day to the fullest?", "Am I sharing these awesome gifts to touch others lives and make a difference?" If there is any bit of hesitation holding us back, my hope is that we would shine brightly through the light He graciously gives to us! Amen.
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